Past Examples: CSDS Builds Spatial Community
Early Spatial Data Science Conferences with Carto

Julia Koschinsky, Executive Director at CSDS, was on the organizing committee of the early Spatial Data Science conferences with Carto in 2017-19.
About the 2017 conference
2017 Presentations
In closing: Julia and Stuart Lynn


The 2019 spatial data science conference took place in New York City at Columbia University on October 16. CSDS is an academic partner. See you there!
Spatial R

Chicago R Collaborative
Angela Li co-organized the Chicago R Collaborative at CSDS from March 14-15, 2020 in Chicago.

Use R Conference
Angela Li co-organized the Chicago R Unconference at CSDS from March 9-10, 2019, with 50 attendees. Recap. More recap.

Spatial R Workshop
Angela Li co-organized a Women’s Package Development Workshop at CSDS on Feb. 23, 2019, attended by 35 women from across the country. Recap, tweets, and evaluations.

Angela Li co-organized a conference for useRs in the Chicagoland area on April 27, 2019.